So I'm not the best at shooting Commercial. I think it could be a lot of fun, but I never have time to really prepare for it, to really find that inspiring image that I want to capture. This is my jewelry shot, it was fun, but lighting is just never as simple as it seems. I had too much strobe spill, I corrected it a lot in Photoshop, but it still will need to be redone.
I am, however, excited to get some portraits done this weekend with the 4x5, plus my location shot. I'm more excited about the portraits. Who wants to help remind me how to develop B&W 4x5's?
4x5 portraiture is great. But when scanned it looks crazy sharp...unnatural. You'll have to pull some serious Gaus! Developing is easy. Same as 35...almost. Close enough.
You'll need to remind me then!! About developing that is haha
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