So the word "Operation" may be a little on the exaggerated side, but only to get me serious about my workflow. After spending a lot of time having WORKFLOW WORKFLOW WORKFLOW being hammered into my skull, I have been trying to prepare myself and my future business to have a tight and steady flow A.K.A. A Flowing River Named Work A.K.A. WORKFLOW!
Now I'm not just talking about how to edit my images quickly and efficiently. That would be known as, just use Lightroom and more so pointed towards wedding photography or just sorting through a days worth of images, and even that you could resort back down to Bridge. No, I am really speaking about business workflow. Finally getting my website up (but one I love and works the most efficient), new blog, better and more efficient storage for my images, get everything set with the new Accountant and Bookkeeper (highly recommended by a very very reliable source), more efficient workspace, freeing up hard drives, setting up shoots for the new portfolio in some special locations ;), and finishing albums, example books, comp cards, etc. etc. etc. Much stuff to do, but things that are very essential to getting out there. So, hur weh go!
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