Sunday, November 2, 2008

Holiday Portrait Business Cards.

I spent an entire day at work cutting about 100 sheets of cards for the Holiday Portraits. There was 8 on each sheet, so we're thinking about 800 right? Maybe, I didn't want to count them all out. I was glad it was a slow day, because it took up practically the entire day. 
Also, I wanted to thank those of you who have said great things about the poster. I really appreciate the support from all the classmates and friends. Thanks to Do too! For taking care of the cards for the most part. 


Jessica Elliott said...

Thats schweet. We need a cutter like that at my work.

Sammi Kate Photography said...

Wow Brian! You design us a poster and cut all the cards for us!!! Really Great Job!!!

Katie Darby said...

Great job man! Thats a lot of work!

mitch said...

i would like to know how you do the vignette. its nice.